Combining The Best Of A Modern SQL Database With Traditional Room Data Sheets

Our easy to use software takes a systematic approach to creating an asset database and capturing COBie as-built information from site.

A cloud database for building projects that’s  structured as COBie for those who need it.

eRDS is organised by site, building, level, zone, and room which makes for easy navigation and is compliant with BIM practices.

Organised around a library containing user defined assets and those imported from BIM.

Each room has six sets of information; Room Details, Finishes, Fittings, Mechanical Components, Room Specifications and Documents.

Room Data for Facilities Management

The most comprehensive asset information available in a multi-user cloud database


eRDS displays the key properties and dimensions for each room or space together with other information such as zone, occupancy, department, or any user defined fields required by the project team.

Mechanical Components

These include diffusers, dampers & grilles from the HVAC system and anything connected to the plumbing & heating system such as boilers, pumps, radiators, valves, and WC’s. All electrical assets including controllers, power sockets & fused spurs, lights, PIR, switches, data & TV sockets are accounted for.


The fittings database includes all furniture, fittings, and equipment such as kitchen units, white goods, and appliances. Doors & windows, their closures, and ironmongery are recorded. Other assets include everything on the security system such as CCTV cameras and electronic entry systems.

Room Specifications

We provide high level information for each room including its environmental design requirements, lighting, data, security, and specialist systems information, as well as the method of heating and cooling and any provision for hot and cold water.

Drawings & Documents

Design drawings for all disciplines are available at the floor level whilst ‘C’ sheets are linked to individual rooms. Asset documents such as catalogues, data sheets and maintenance manuals are linked to the assets and ‘instance’ documents such as in-situ photos and checklists are linked to individual assets.

Reporting Room Data

All or any part of the room data can be exported to Excel for further analysis or saved as traditional PDF room data sheets. Comprehensive asset information can be exported to Revit through our plugin to enrich the models with a level of detail that’s rarely, if ever, found in BIM.

Call us for a demo: +44 207 0601197

Helping to produce and manage asset databases for your building projects